Wednesday, November 25, 2009
So I'm reading Julie Julia... the book they based that movie on about a woman, Julie, who decides to cook all the recipes in Julia Child's cookbook, The Art of French Cooking.... in one year. There are 524 recipes that she has to get through and she blogs about her efforts. Well, the book, and the fact that it's Thanksgiving tomorrow, have inspired me. Today I started with graham cracker crusts sprinkled with dark chocolate for my pumpkin pies. Except I can't find graham crackers here in Germany. So I used butter cookies and it seems fine... On friday I'll cut the absolutely HUGE pumpkin that Oma grew in her garden this summer and on Saturday the pie crusts will be filled.
I had left over crumble. What's a cook to do? I made these adorable mini apple-pear tarts in ramekins and topped them with the remaining crumble. My kids are going to be in heaven! So I melted butter and honey in a pot with the juice from one lemon. Then I peeled and cored 2 apples and a large pear. I sprinkled them with cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger and tossed them in the yummy buttery, lemony, honey juice. All got divided up into three ramekins and topped with the remaining crumbly pie crust. Don't tell my husband that there wasn't enough for a fourth... They look and smell to die for. I'll let you know how they tasted. We're eating them after lunch for dessert.
My mom would be proud of me. I'm making open faced turkey sandwiches with gravy. When we were kids, my mom didn't throw anything away. She still doesn't. So on about the fourth day after Thanksgiving, we would always have these open faced sandwiches. It was basically a piece of toasted bread topped with warmed turkey and left over gravy. It tasted great to me... We'll see what my boys think of this simple dish. I don't know why, but yesterday I roasted a turkey breast. Today we'll have the leftovers in the form of these tasty blasts from my past.
The last effort of the morning was the cranberry cherry compote. I've read that this can be made up to two weeks in advance and stored in the fridge in an airtight container. I didn't have shallots or pearl onions, but I did have pearl onions in a glass that I bought in Italy. They tasted great, so what the hell. I sauteed them in butter, then added a cup of sugar and a teaspoon of vinegar. After letting that caramelize for about 15 minutes, I added a cup of dry white wine, half a cup of vinegar and a cup of dried cherries. Another glitch. I had some dried cherries, but not a cup. I had some dried cranberries, but not a cup. I had some raisins, but not a cup. I tossed them all in. A pinch of salt and 45 minutes later I added a cup of water and 1 lb of cranberries. The cranberries popped after about 10-minutes. One should let this cool and then store. The only problem was it didn't taste right to me. The smell alone summoned up thoughts of an experiment gone terribly wrong. Maybe all of my substitutions made for a funky combination. I'll let Helmut be the taster later and see what he thinks (without saying anything beforehand). It looked beautiful, as if that's any consolation. If I get a no from Helmut, I'll buy all the ingredients and make it again tomorrow, following the recipe... Even if I get a "oh, that tastes good" from Helmut, I'm cooking it again tomorrow. I can't imagine that my sense of smell has somehow gone awry and Helmut, in an effort to boost my ego, would try to trick me into serving a funky cranberry compote to a bunch of germans that have never eaten cranberries. If they eat my funky cranberry compote, they might be turned off forever! We certainly wouldn't want that.
Tomorrow I'll be making a turkey stock, the Hummus and choosing the red and white wine... Oh, and of course the second round on the cranberries... 'Til then.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
I have recently re-evaluated my views on the word "contact". The last 8 years of my life have been spent living in a small town in Bavaria with my husband and now two children, next door to my in-laws. We share a garden, we have very separate entrances, but the houses are connected. I've often heard them make a comment about how they could hear me fighting with the kids in the morning, or worse, when Helmut and I have come home late at night after being out together. How much do you think they can actually hear? How good can their hearing actually be at the age of 78? Helmut's brother lives in our town as well. He lives across the train tracks with his wife and three teenage boys. Forget running to the store in your sweats with big sunglasses and Uggs on, hoping not to be noticed. I've tried it and it doesn't work. "Frau Mages, what can I get you?" is the first sentence out of everyone's mouth. They all know me, and knew me from the first week I was here. It took me years to get to know all of them! There I am walking home from the bar at 12 mid-night, happy and a little drunk. Someone is walking towards me with a wool hat pulled down low. "Hello Stephanie" says the man.... Oh, it's Helmut's brother walking home from the theater! Now I know that his parents will know that I was out, that I was out without my husband, that I was drinking and they'll probably receive a full account of what I was wearing! I so didn't grow up in a small town. I grew up in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. Besides our direct neighbors, we could pretty much go anywhere incognito.
It also means that when I don't rake the leaves on our side of the house once a week, the neighbors talk. Or when my neighbor lets her two girls play in the street in November, BAREFOOT, then I talk.
Well, recently my husband's father died. I've lost two of my grandparents, but for reasons I'm about to explain, it didn't affect me so much. You see, growing up in a big city, even though everything might seem so jam packed and close together, it's actually harder to visit with people unless they're your neighbors. There is so much traffic, and it takes so long to get any where. My grandfather lived until he was 91. I was 31 at the time of his death. But throughout the years, I never lived that close to him. I never spent a lot of quality time with him. Living next door to Helmut's father, we spent a lot of time together. Token holiday parties aside, we spent time in the garden together. We went shopping together. The kids play in the garden and then go over to Oma and Opa's house. I have to find them... Opa loved to work with wood and was always teaching us something about creating instead of buying. He was a bee keeper and over the years I've gone with him and learned how to care for the bees in the hopes of becoming as good as him one day. It was a day in, day out relationship with an older couple. A relationship, that until this point in my life, I had never had. I miss him, and the kids miss him. Of course my husband grieves his father dearly. Oma, over every one else, who has spent the last 60 years of her life with Opa, misses him the most. I can see the pain drawn on her face, the empty hole that is now a part of her every day life. We look at pictures of Opa all the time, and talk about him a lot. So now you understand how my idea of contact has morphed into a new meaning, a positive one. Close contact with other people, people who are older and in many ways wiser than I, is a totally new experience for me. I look forward to deepening these contacts in this small town and smiling when my neighbors complain that my side walk isn't clean.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Recipe of the day...
Buy 1lb for each person. There's a lot of bones.
I buy flat pork ribs, but you can buy Baby Back Ribs too.
Salt and Pepper them, rub them with cayenne pepper and smear them with balsamic vinegar. The vinegar helps to make the meat soft and caramelized.
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
Place the ribs meaty side down on a baking sheet that's lined with wax paper (this way you don't have to clean so much). Roast them for 40 min., then brush them with a Creme di Balsamico. Turn them over and bake another 20 min. They should be brown and caramelized on the meaty side and oooohhh so yummy.
Whipped Garlic Potatoes:
125g of Potatoes for each person...
Peel Potatoes and one clove of garlic. Cut into smaller chunks and place in a pot with just enough water to cover them. Add the garlic and a pinch of salt.
Cook about 25 min. until the potatoes are soft when pierced with a knife.
The trick is you have to mash them with a potato masher and then whip them with your hand blender. Warning: don't puree them, use the whipping attachment!
While you're whipping, add a pad of butter and heavy cream. It is up to you how much you add. Keep tasting them until you've found a consistency and flavor you like. I like mine less creamy, but to each his own! Add salt and pepper to taste, and Voila! Whipped Garlic Potatoes.
Bavarian Blaukraut:
1/2 head of Red Cabbage
1 Large Onion
2 Apples, peeled and cored
2 Cups of dry white wine
1/4 Cup of Apple Cider Vinegar
5 Cloves
1 large bay leaf
Salt and Pepper
The first and hardest thing to do is to grate the Red Cabbage, the Onion and the Apples, SEPARATELY. I have a fantastic hand held grater thingy that comes with all sorts of different attachments and gadgets. A food processor would certainly work. Be careful, you want to grate it all, not hack it into unrecognizable pieces.
Sautee the onions in a bit of olive oil in a large sauce pot. After about 3 minutes, add the red cabbage and cover the pot. Stir this occasionally for about 10 minutes. Add apples, one cup of white wine, half the vinegar, salt, cloves and bay leaf. Braise the cabbage with the cover on for about 20 min. When you see the pot is dry, add more wine. Add the rest of the vinegar and the cinnamon. Continue braising for another 20 min. Salt and pepper to taste. This dish is so famous here in Bavaria, tastes awesome and goes well with meat and fish dishes.
ENJOY!!! and let me know how it turned out for you.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Romping Part 3: San Benedetto, Italy
Romping Part 2: New York City
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Romping Part 1: Denver
Part 1
Friday, March 13, 2009
My First Entry
Trend Fasting in Bavaria
Written by a true New Yorker
I haven’t eaten for 7 days! I’m on my 7th day. Wow, somebody please pinch me… I don’t know how I was ever convinced of this, but somehow I just got sucked in. It’s the hottest trend, like wearing crocs with business suits. The idea certainly stems from lent, abstaining from life’s pleasures, one of them, of course being FOOD. Fasting has become the trendy way to shed those nasty extra pounds you’ve packed on during the winter months.
One girlfriend told me she started it, day 3 for her. The next day 2 other friends, beaming, told me how fabulous they felt after not having eaten for 6 days (huh?). They planned on stopping at 10, which is the standard “Heilfasten” (healing fast) that’s the big hit. They talked about it like it was the new drug everyone was dying to get their hands on, and they got it first.
Day 1 started on a Wednesday. I had lots of herbal tea, a soy milk shake for lunch, lots of water and veggie broth for dinner. Did I mention lots of water? I felt good, albeit a little hungry. I have a family of four to feed, two small children that are constantly munching on yummy healthy snacks that I buy and prepare. I thought it would be torture, but it was okay. A couple of the women that I meet up with once week for play dates looked at me like I was crazy, but one is from Ireland and the other from Romania. The three German women practically praised me. I think my standing with them has been elevated!
Day 2 went pretty much the same as far as tea, water, soy milk, and broth. That’s basically all you get for the duration of this thing! I noticed a funky pressure behind my eyes. That’s weird. Time seemed to be slowing down, way down, and my stress level went down a notch. I cooked a delicious meal for my family, went to the gym, went in the sauna and was up from 6 am until 12 mid-night, my standard hectic day.
Day 3 was a Friday. I decided to leave out the soy milk. Technically it’s supposed to be butter milk, but I don’t drink any kind of cow’s milk, never have. I felt great, dare I say jubilant. I was so friendly to everyone. I felt like announcing to everyone that I was fasting. I told the cafe lady at Ikea, “I’m not eating because I’m fasting.” I told the man at the dry cleaners and the kindergarten teacher. I would answer the phone and say “hello, I’m fasting.” What was wrong with me? How could not eating make me feel so good? Time was definitely moving slower (could it be because I was starving?). I was so mellow, like in my college days after I had smoked a joint. The pressure behind my eyes was gone, but something new started to happen. You know how in the movies when they want to soften up the look of a woman and they put that filter in front of her that makes her look all illuminated and frosty? Well, that’s what I was experiencing, everything looked illuminated and frosted. I bought new pillow cases for my couch cushions, new curtains for my entry hall and a beautiful new fruit bowl. I had to do something with my time, since eating wasn’t allowed. That’s it! I never realized eating took up so much of my time, and now I had all this time to fill.
Day 4 we had friends over. 4 kids under the age of 7 were running around and making a lot of noise. I needed quiet. I was a little shaky on my feet and that vision thing was intensifying. My friend’s husband told me my eyes looked glassy. Water, herbal tea, broth, water, herbal tea, broth… they ordered pizza and salad, no problem. I had so much time to help my family and guests feel comfortable. I wasn’t concerned with eating myself, so setting the table and getting up that extra up-teenth time wasn’t an issue for me. When they had all finished eating, I had a delicious, fantasic, out of this world dark beer brewed right here in our little town of Abensberg. I didn’t care that I cheated. It was good. Then I drank lots of water and went to bed.
Day 5 started out great (Sunday). I woke up and let my husband sleep in. I made the kids pancakes from scratch with maple syrup and a fresh fruit salad with cottage cheese. They loved it, and get this, I served my husband breakfast in bed! He loved it! I loved doing it for them! I’ve never behaved this way. I’ve never served breakfast in bed, never in 8 years! Then I went jogging with a girlfriend, who’s also fasting. Afterwards we hung out trying out different herbal teas and drinking carrot juice (all the while taking care of 4 children). The fuzzy eye thing was gone, jogging was a trip, and that night I felt, for the first time since I started this thing, wrong. I couldn’t sleep. I kept going through in my mind what I would cook when I was eating again. Whole meals were planned. Grocery lists were written. Would I cook it in butter or olive oil? How would I present my first course? Where would I store all my groceries once I started eating again? I finally got up and cleaned out my closets, creating two huge boxes of miscellaneous items to give to the poor. I had read that for spiritual reasons, fasting doesn’t count unless during your fast, you give to those less fortunate. I felt fulfilled, and tired.
Day 6 is Monday morning. I felt better than the night before. I kept dreaming that someone was tickling me and I was laughing so hard I kept waking up laughing. Up until now, I had only lost about 3 pounds. I didn’t care. I’m not overweight and didn’t do this to lose weight, I did it for the experience. Of course, losing the 5 pounds I put on over the holidays is a plus. When I weighed myself in the morning, I had lost another 3 pounds. I can only assume the jogging on no fuel burned up some cellulite and released all those toxins into my system, resulting in last nights dreams and before that, the uneasiness. Okay, back to the daily grind. The kids got up, I dressed them, fed them, got their lunch boxes ready and we all rode our bikes to school and kindergarten. Then I had a breakfast meeting with colleagues at 8:30, where I again told everyone that I was fasting. I drank tea, juice and a coffee (shhh, don’t tell anyone). After work, I picked the kids up and made turkey rolls with mashed potatoes with butter beans, and an extra healthy greek salad for my man. I felt like calling friends I hadn’t talked to in a while and chatting. 3 of us wound up going to the movies that night. For the first time, I’m hungry. I’m not just a little hungry, my stomach is growling and there’s this big knot in my throat. I made a veggie broth from scratch, drank about 2 liters of it and felt better.
Day 7: I’m stopping after today. I hope all the toxins are out. The feeling of euphoria has ebbed and I snapped at the kids today. I’m getting kind of used to not eating, but think it’s like riding a bike. You just start right up again where you left off. You ask, what do I think? I’m completely surprised and almost can’t believe that it worked, and that I wasn’t absolutely fried and kranky and dying to eat. I hope all the Bavarians are proud of me, I’m proud of me. I’ve lost 8 pounds and my skin has never looked better. My closets are organized. I’ve gotten in touch with several old friends and my husband and I have had great sex. Maybe I’ll try 10 days next time…
Saucy Stephanie